Monday, April 25, 2005

New Faculty at DSPT

The DSPT is pleased to announce the hire of two new regular faculty members.
  • Marianne Farina, C.S.C. has been appointed to the position of assistant professor of philosophy and theology at the DSPT. A member of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Cross, Notre Dame, Indiana, Sr. Marianne received her doctorate in theological ethics from Boston College (2004). Her dissertation topic was "Moral Goodness and Friendship with God: The Moral Teachings of Thomas Aquinas and Hamid al-Ghazali." She is currently the director for research and scholarship at the Center for Women's InterCultural Leadership , as well as lecturer in ethics and justice (St. Mary's College, Notre Dame, IN). Sr. Marianne is not a newcomer to the GTU, having taught courses in Christian ethics, Islam, and comparative religion at both PSR and Starr King from 1998-2002. Her research interests include Catholic moral theology, philosophical ethics, Islamic ethics, and Christian and Islamic spirituality.
  • John Berkman, Ph.D. has been appointed to the position of associate professor of philosophy and theology at the DSPT. Dr. Berkman received his doctorate from Duke University (1994) and is currently associate professor and area director of Moral Theology/Ethics at The Catholic University of America (Washington, DC). He is co-editor of The Pinckaers Reader: Renewing Catholic Moral Theology (CUA Press, forthcoming) and The Hauerwas Reader (Duke University Press, 2001). His research interests include end-of-life issues, biomedical reproductive ethics, religious ethics, virtue and utilitarian ethics, and the history of Catholic moral theology. Dr. Berkman will teach full-time at the DSPT beginning in the Fall 2006.