Friday, November 13, 2009

Current Student Profile: Jacob Washabaugh

I come from a small farm town in the western part of the Sacramento Valley. A few years after high school I joined the United States Navy as a communications electrician, and was honorably discharged after four years of service on a guided missile frigate. Shortly after my military service I began work as a union electrician, but I was not satisfied with this profession. I wanted to do something that would have a positive impact on others. At the age of twenty-six, i decided to leave the trades and a good paying job, and return to school in the hope of earning my PH.D in order to teach at the university level. I'm the first person in my family to recieve a college degree, and i am currentlypursuing my M.A. in Philosophy at the DSPT. When I was looking into Master's Programs, it was important that I find a school that bases its appraoch to learning on Catholics principles, and a school that approaches modern ideas and problems with the philospcial and theoligical ideas of of the Catholic faith. I believe I've found that at the DSPT. Every clas I have in opened with an invocation, and there is an oncampus Mass where students come together in communion with Christ every Tuesday. We are taught by devout and academically accomplished Domincans who desire to help their students in the pursuit of truth. I really enjoy the small class size, and tha small campus whicvh gives the school a real sense of community. It really is a great academic environment. I enjoy, and value, my time in class as well as outside of class. DSPT was an excellent choice for higher education and I look forward to the coming semesters.

Culture of Philantropy: Sunday in Spain

On October 18th, we held our annual fund kickoff event at the DSPT campus. Although the weather was cool and not particularly Mediterranean, we nonthless celebrated an ode to a traditional Spanish afternoon, replete with Paella, Spain-themed tables, Sangria, community and good times. The auction raised over $20,000 even with the not-so Spanish weather.

A few highlights: Mike Bentovogilio won the Gourmet Dinner for 10 with Fr. Michael at Marilyn Knight's home in Tiburon. Eunice Jackson's bid prevailed on the weekend retreat with Fr. Sweeney, O.P. at the spectacular Sweetwater property in Guerneville, CA. Eileen Bitten sponsored a student for a semester for our "Fund-a-Need.: Maria Vickroy-Peralta won a Tuscan Dinner for Eight with Fr. Chris Renz and Joe Vanderlit walked away a Monterey Get-away and other prizes.

To see a video synopsis of the event along with interview highlights including DSPT President, Fr. Michael Sweeney and current DSPT students, please click here.

Faculty News: Fr. Michael Sweeney, OP

Just recently, on October 27th, Fr. Michael traveled to Holy Family Cathedral in Anchorage, Alaska to deliver a talk about the state of Catholic Education in America and why DSPT is so exceptional. His presentation was entitled "Reading the Signs of the Times: Dominican Education and the Challenge of Contemporary Culture." The presentation will be announced at with a link to the full text if yor are interested in viewing it. It will be available within the coming week.

Father Michael Sweeney, OP, will be presenting a paper at the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture's 10th annual fall conference The Summons of Freedom: Virtue, Sacrifice, and the Common Good taking place November 12-14. Father Michael's presentation, "Expressing the Good," will address the problem of the insufficient grasp of the good in our culture resulting in the inability to understand or apply the notion of the common good, and will suggest principles of a pedagogy that could address this problem.

For full schedule of the conference, go to


DSPT and the World Parliament of Religions

Sr. Marianne Farina, CSC and 3 of her students from the Christian-Muslim Dialogue course have been invited to attend the Parliament of World Religions on December 3-9, 2009 in Melbourne, Australia.

This delegation will be part of the consultation on "Educating Religious Leaders for a Multi-Religious World." The goal of this consultation is to address ways that seminaries foster significant teaching/learning opportunities for the development of a new generation of leaders equipped to serve in the challenging milieu of today's mult-cultural, multi-religious world. The planning team of the World Parliament of Religions chose 15 seminary institutions to participate because of each institution's significant and creative studies in dialogue and comparative religions.

It is hoped that throughout this consultation, these schools will make their experience available to other theological communities. The attendees will write a final document to be shared with national theological associations and institutions in the United States.

For more information go to

Support the DSPT through Online Shopping

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Did you know that you can help raise money DSPT through online and retail purchases? is a portal for Catholic internet shoppers. When you register for a free membership, you choose the Catholic project or charity that will benefit from your transactions, with the option to change your beneficiary at any time. A running tally keeps you posted on how much money you have raised for your charity as well as the total amount raised by all members. is a fund raising program where participating business contribute a percentage of your purchases to the school, group, or organization of your choice. Just register any one or all of you existing retail cards (Safeway card, etc.) as well as debit and credit cards for use in the program. To learn more, go to To register, go to the eScrip Registration Page and enter GroupID# 500000450 for the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology.

For DSPT students as well as those looking to support the school, we have an Amazon store which donates a percentage of your purchase directly towards us! Just go to and start shopping. This page contains course specific listings as well as having Faculty Recommendations, Faculty and Alumni Publications and a "Thomism Bibliography" with writings by and about St. Thomas Aquinas. In addition, if you click on the Amazon logo on the upper left hand corner of our storefront site, you will be taken to the main Amazon website where you can purchase any other items you might be interested in with the same benefits of supporting the school

Monday, November 2, 2009

Seminar Discussion of Plato's "Phaedo" led by Prof. John Dragstedt

This seminar-discussion of Plato’s Phaedo is modeled after the educational methods of the “Great Books” programs of St. John’s College, Thomas Aquinas College, and St. Mary’s College’s Integral Program. The professor leading the discussion, John Albert Dragstedt, will lead off with a question which provokes inquiry into the heart of the text, and the discussion thereafter is a matter of the participants engaging the text and each other, with Prof. Dragstedt as “facilitator”. Space is limited so RSVP to Reynaldo Miranda at if you can and desire to join us.

Although any translation is welcome, a recommended one is by St. John's Tutors Eva Brann, Peter Kalkavage, and Eric Salem, in the Focus Philosophical Library series, from R. Pullins Company, 1998, an inexpensive paperback.
Various translations of the text can also be found online, e.g. at

Discussion led by Prof. John Albert Dragstedt, PhD in Classical Languages by UC Berkeley, Professor of Classical Languages, and Tutor in the Integral Program, at St. Mary's College of California. Prof. Dragstedt studied under Leo Strauss at the University of Chicago, and has taught at St. Mary's College in Moraga for over 45 years in the faculties of philosophy, history, classics, and the Integral Program (founded 1956 by St. John's Annapolis Tutor Brother Robert Sixtus Smith, FSC). Prof. Dragstedt has lectured at the Santa Fe campus of St. John's College, and participated in the "three dialogues on Liberal Education" held there in April, 1977 (published by the St. John's College Press, 1979).

The event is organized by St. John's College Alumni Association - Northern California Chapter.