This year's Aquinas Lecture was given on March 13 by Thomas S. Hibbs, Distinguished
Professor of Ethics & Culture and Dean of the Honors College at Baylor University. His lecture, entitled "Everything that Rises Must Converge: Aquinas's Theological Re-formation of the Cardinal Virtues," focused on the theological reformation of these virtues, specifically looking at the examples of courage and prudence, and the connection of the virtues with the good life, as found in the incarnation and the example of Christ's sacrifice. Hibbs spoke most during his lecture and was questioned most about the virtue of courage and the changes in Aquinas's interpretation of this virtue from its roots in ancient philosophy. Aquinas emphasizes courage as an endurance, more than as an "attack," so the exemplar of courage is not the warrior, but the martyr whose patient witness patterns the life of Christ and gives witness to the highest truths about God and faith.

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The Aquinas Lecture is a yearly academic event in which the DSPT faculty nominate a distinguished scholar to give a presentation applying the teaching and methodology of Thomas Aquinas to issues of contemporary significance.