Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March 2009: A Culture of Philanthropy

The Gift of a Lifetime: Building a Lasting Legacy at DSPT

As a center for preparing young men and women for religious leadership, since 1932 DSPT has been making a positive difference in countless lives around the world, through the leadership and service of our graduates. Through our Planned Giving options, there are several ways you too can make a difference and leave a lasting legacy at DSPT. All gifts at DSPT, large or small, are appropriately honored and cared for according to the wishes of the donor.

Endowments – If your gift is given as an endowment, it will serve in perpetuity according to your expressed desires.

Bequests – You can leave a lasting legacy at DSPT by making a gift of cash, securities, real estate, or other property through your will, codicil, or trust. DSPT can also be designated as the beneficiary of your retirement plan, life insurance policy, or all or part of the remainder of your estate or trust after payment of estate-related expenses.

Directed Giving – While unrestricted gifts allow DSPT to allocate funds to areas of greatest need, you may also designate your bequest for a particular purpose, such as a named scholarship fund.

DSPT is happy to assist you in planning your legacy gift. For further information about including DSPT in your estate plans or in other planned giving opportunities, please contact the Advancement Office at 510-883-2085 or