Wednesday, July 1, 2009

DSPT on Local TV

On June 21, 2009, Fr. Michael Sweeney, OP, President of the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology (DSPT), and Sr. Marianne Farina, CSC, assistant professor at DSPT, were interviewed on the MOSAIC television program of CBS affiliate KPIX-TV. MOSAIC is a community service news program devoted to discussing events and programs of faith communities in the Bay Area. Fr. Michael and Sr. Marianne discussed the Faith in Human Rights program ( and the creation of an Interfaith Coalition for Human Rights that was formed in order to continue the study, dialogue and action begun in the project.

The other program guests were Rachel Biale, Program Director of the Progressive Jewish Alliance, and Som Pourfranzeh of the Center for Islamic Studies of the GTU. The panelists discussed the relationship between human rights and responsibilities and explored ways that religions can dialogue with groups who educate and advocate for human rights in the Bay Area, throughout the country, and around the world.

The program guests also shared how the Interfaith Coalition for Human Rights would help to generate creative discourse about human rights by inviting representatives of various constituencies such as social organizations, action groups, faith communities, seminaries, and academic institutions, to continue the study and dialogue about human rights issues and concerns. The panelists noted that the coalition has identified three important next steps:

1. Invite other faith communities, social organizations, theological centers, and academic institutions to help plan and participate in the coalition.

2. Foster a sense of community among these groups as we investigate human rights issues together and coordinate action steps to educate the public and advocate for human rights.

3. Continue the activities begun with the 2009 Interfaith Project, and seek ways to broadcast these events through various forms of social networking on the internet.

KPIX-TV will rebroadcast this MOSAIC program on August 9, 2009 at 5:00 a.m. and a follow-up interview with Fr. Michael and Sr. Marianne will take place on November 8, 2009.