Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Faith in Human Rights: An Interfaith Project
The Faith and Human Rights project hopes to offer a unique opportunity for communities and institutions of the Bay Area to renew their commitment to the directives outlined in the human rights treaties concerning racial discrimination, treatment of women, concern for victims of torture and other issues related to the UN Millennium goals. The interfaith project will focus on the issues and cases that are raised by our local human rights groups and invited speakers. These cases will be discussed in light of the universal human rights treaties/conventions and declarations. In this way, our conversations and sharing of information will help us put our words into action by developing an action plan to promote and protect human rights for individuals and their communities. It is hoped that this collaboration will foster a new set of relationships that can challenge exclusionary and dominative social practices and not leave the values of compassion and solidarity at the ineffectual level of abstraction.
For more information contact Sr. Marianne Farina, CSC (
Important Dates:
January 26, 2009: Art Exhibit opens at the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology (2301 Vine Street, Berkeley).
February 5, 2009: Workshop on Religion and Human Rights (Venue TBA).
February 12, 2009: Lecture on Judaism and Human Rights by Brian Walt (Rabbis for Human Rights), hosted by Temple Beth El (1301 Oxford Street, Berkeley).
March 12, 2009: Lecture on Christianity and Human Rights by Jean Porter (University of Notre Dame), hosted by the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology.
April 30, 2009: Lecture on Islam and Human Rights by Abdulaziz Sachedina (University of Virginia), hosted by the Islamic Cultural Center of Northern California (1433 Madison Street, Oakland).
Dates for the workshops on human rights concerning victims of racism, discrimination, and torture and the Human Rights Film Festival will be published soon.
Inception of Fr. Augustine Thompson, O.P. as Master of Sacred Theology
The S.T.M., the highest academic honor awarded by the Dominican Order, has evolved from the final degree of theological studies at the medieval university to a largely honorary degree today. It presupposes at least ten years of active teaching and a record of recognized publication. It is granted by the Master of the Dominican Order and his curia in Rome in consultation with other scholars of the Dominican Order. As a Church historian, Fr. Augustine has himself described the history and ceremony of the degree at
The ceremony of installation, held at St. Albert’s Priory, featured the lecture required of every new master on this occasion. Fr. Augustine entitled his remarks “The Soul You Lose May Be Your Own: Historical Reflections on the Theologian and the World.” It reviewed the unity-in-tension between faith and culture at key moments in the history of the Church. The ceremony was preceded by a Missa cantata in the Dominican rite at which Fr. Augustine presided. Pictures may be found at
December 2008: Faculty and Alumni News
The Second Edition of The Unchanging God of Love by Fr. Michael Dodds, OP is now available from the Catholic University of America Press. Much contemporary debate surrounds the traditional teaching that God is unchanging. It is frequently argued that an immutable God must be cold, remote, indifferent, and uncaring – that an unchanging God cannot be the triune God of love revealed in Scripture. This text provides a clear and comprehensive account of what Aquinas says about divine immutability, presented in a way that allows his theology to address contemporary criticism. Aquinas’s unchanging God proves to be no static deity, but the dynamic, Trinitarian plenitude of knowledge, love, and life, to whom not only immutability but also motion may in some way be attributed. Through this study, it becomes clear that the unchanging God of Aquinas, far from being different or remote, is truly the God of compassion and love revealed in Scripture, who shares a most intimate friendship with the people he has created and redeemed.
Alumni Profile: Colleen Knutsen, M.A. in Theology (2005)
Now, in coordinating the Respect Life Ministry Office for the Diocese of Oakland, I have many occasions to put this great lesson into practice as I engage my fellow East Bay inhabitants in critical dialogue that considers the very tenets of our existence. In looking at the question of when human life begins, what it means to be human, and why the dignity of the human person deserves -- demands really -- to be respected, I find myself drawing not only on the principles of philosophy and theology that I studied at DSPT, but equally on the way I learned to engage these critical questions. My time at DSPT gave me both the knowledge and the wisdom to engage the culture in which I live and to cultivate a fruitful dialogue that converts our hearts as well as our minds to the Truth we so earnestly sought in our studies.
December 2008: A Culture of Philanthropy
You may have received our Annual Fund brochure in the mail recently or perhaps one of our students called you to talk about our Annual Appeal. Every year we turn to our supporters to help carry out the mission of our school. Your donation directly supports the education of seminarians and lay men and women who will take leadership in the Church and in society. Without your gift to the School, we cannot continue the work of education that is so vital to our future. We know that you have many demands on your money, but as the year winds down we come to you with hope that you and your families or friends will consider donating to our school.
Like most institutions of higher learning, the DSPT operating costs are only partially covered by tuition. For every effort that goes into the formation of seminarians and lay students at DSPT, only 40% of the expense is covered by tuition. The remainder, approximately $15,000 per student per year, is made up for by your generous contributions to the Annual Fund. Take advantage of the tax deduction for this calendar year and submit your donation no later than December 31, 2008.
Your generous gifts to the Annual Fund will contribute to a few of our most important initiatives:
- Academic excellence – Your gift to the Annual Fund will go directly toward the development of new academic programs, and help provide continuing education to our faculty.
- Scholarships – In order to attract the very best students, we must be able to offer competitive scholarship packages. We recently lost a wonderful candidate to another college who offered more substantial scholarship money.
- Intellectual community – The students at DSPT are being prepared to engage in a vital dialogue that crosses boundaries of religion and political or cultural beliefs. With your help we can continue to host renowned philosophers and theologians as guest speakers providing a venue for this important encounter.
- Direct gifts – You may mail your donation to DSPT Advancement, 2301 Vine Street, Berkeley, CA 94708-1816 or give online at
- Matching gifts – Ask your employer about matching your contribution.
- Endowments – Gifts can be designated for scholarship, fellowship, specific programs, or faculty positions.
- Planned Giving – Include DSPT in your estate planning.
- Charitable Gift Annuity – Call (510) 883-2085 to learn more.
Use Giving Cart This Holiday Season
Did you know that you can support DSPT through your online purchases of holiday gifts or travel? By going through and selecting the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology as your cause, a percentage of each of your purchases goes to support DSPT. Participating stores include 1-800-Flowers, Travelocity, Orbitz, Lands End, iTunes, and more!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Sunday in Spain: a Smashing Success!
Moving the event to our Berkeley campus afforded us a wonderful opportunity for our students and friends to gather to prepare for the event. Dedicated volunteers spent many fun hours, planning, cooking and preparing, both before and during the event, building a genuine esprit de corps within our community. A very special thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers!
On behalf of our President, Fr. Michael Sweeney, OP, we want to extend our thanks to the many benefactors who attended and supported our event. We are especially grateful to all who donated to the silent and live auctions, attended the dinner and generously bid on the wonderful items.
Lastly, thank you to our own Auction Committee: Event Chair and DSPT student, Debra Nichols and Committee members Eileen Bitten, Bill Comstock, Marilyn Knight and Ciel Mahoney. Thank you also to all our staff, who created such a successful afternoon, and to all our students, friends and supporters who helped to make this a memorable event. We sincerely hope to see you all again next year!
Advent Wreath and Pie Fundraiser
Traditional balsam wreaths and balsam centerpiece wreaths are $35 each, while our homemade pies are $15 each. A percentage of the proceeds for each wreath and pie sold goes directly to support the educational programs offered at DSPT.
To order an Advent wreath or pie, simply e-mail your order to DSPT Advancement at Be sure to include your name and complete address and telephone number, and then send your check for the total to DSPT Advancement, 2301 Vine Street, Berkeley, CA 94708. Orders will be accepted until Friday, November 14. The wreaths will be shipped directly to your home address. Pies will be available for pick-up at DSPT on December 3 and 4 between 3:00 and 6:00 p.m.
Spread the word! If you have family or friends who would be interested in an Advent wreath or a pie, tell them about this sale! For more information, contact Advancement at the e-mail address above, or call (510) 883-2085. Thank you again for your continued support!
New at DSPT: Heidi McKenna, Director of Communications
She came to know DSPT through Fr. Michael Sweeney, whom she met in 1993 through the RCIA program at Blessed Sacrament Church in Seattle while she was getting her Bachelor of Arts at the University of Washington. Heidi has been happy to jump right into all the projects at DSPT and join our staff!
November 2008: Faculty and Alumni News
Last month, Fr. Anselm Ramelow, OP gave a talk titled, “When Reason Seeks Understanding,” at a symposium on “Faith and Reason in Christianity and Islam” at the University of Washington in Seattle. His talk looked at what appears to be a rejection of classical models of rationality (from Christian theology and philosophy) by modern science, making it difficult for modern science to have a rational dialogue with the Muslim world. He further discussed how the rationality of modern science is rooted in late medieval nominalism and how, instead, classical Christian theology and philosophy, especially that of St. Thomas Aquinas, would be able to engage both the Muslim world and modern science.
Fr. Bryan Kromholtz, OP, who joined our Theology faculty this fall, just returned from the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, where he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation, titled On the Last Day: The Time of the Resurrection of the Dead According to Thomas Aquinas. Fr. Bryan’s work shows how the promise of the resurrection in the Angelic Doctor’s work has important implications for our faith in Christ (who will raise us), for our life as a Church (which is the community with whom we will be raised) and our place in the cosmos (which will be renewed when we are raised). The dissertation was accepted with the distinction insigni cum laude. His committee included Fr. Richard Schenk, OP, who was invited to sit on the committee for his expertise in medieval and contemporary eschatology, and Fr. Michael Sherwin, OP, a former faculty member of DSPT.
DSPT alumna, Elissa McCormack, recently published an article titled “Inclusivism in the Fiction of C.S. Lewis: The Case of Emeth” in the Fall 2008 issue of Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture. Her article is inspired by the scene at the end of The Last Battle where Emeth, a Calormene who had always worshipped the god Tash, finds himself faced with Aslan in the New Narnia. The salvation granted to this character raises questions about C.S. Lewis’s beliefs surrounding the possibility of salvation in non-Christian religions. Her article examines this thread in C.S. Lewis’s fiction, including the Chronicles of Narnia, The Great Divorce, The Screwtape Letters, and Till We Have Faces, concluding that, for Lewis, it is not holding a correct belief that is ultimately necessary for salvation, but rather committing your life to a constant and sincere search for Truth.
Alumni Profile: Eiyad al-Kutubi
DSPT offered me the opportunity to study classic and medieval philosophy, something that I could not find anywhere else in California. When Sr. Marianne Farina introduced me to the faculty and mission of DSPT, I realized that it was just what I was looking for. Having finished my Master’s, I am completely convinced that this was the right choice. The professors are open-minded, knowledgeable, and excel in their skill of articulating and communicating difficult questions in philosophy to their students. I hope to keep the good relationship that I have with DSPT for years to come.
November 2008: A Culture of Philanthropy
A simple, effective, and flexible way to make a substantial gift to DSPT is to leave a bequest in your will. A bequest offers tax benefits for your estate and provides the satisfaction of knowing that you have invested in an institution you believe in.
Through a will bequest you may be able to make a larger gift than you could have afforded in your lifetime and you are not limited to gifts of cash. You can also leave stocks, bonds, art work, real estate, or other assets. In return, your estate will receive a tax receipt for the full value of your bequest. The receipt may also be carried back and claimed in the year prior to death.
Will bequests can be arranged in a variety of ways and can be drafted to reflect even the most specific wishes. We recommend that you seek advice from your lawyer and financial advisor to ensure that your gift meets your goals and provides the maximum benefits to both your beneficiaries and to DSPT.
Giving Cart
Did you know that you can support DSPT through your online purchases? Go to and select the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology as your cause when you do your shopping through this site.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Report on the Apostolic Visit to DSPT
The Report from the Visitation, which was released in the fall of 2008, confirmed that DSPT’s academic program is excellent, with the students receiving a substantially complete grounding in dogmatic and moral theology. The report also finds our faculty both academically prepared and doctrinally sound.
Most Reverend Allen Vigneron, Bishop of Oakland, who also received a copy of the report, called Father Emmerich Vogt, O.P., Chancellor of the School, to congratulate and commend the School. The report from Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education read, in part:
The Visitation confirmed that the School's academic program is excellent… The majority of the syllabi reflect a feeling of sober, serious scholarship throughout, even in cases where a contemporary approach is taken to a traditional topic….A serene sense of confidence in the value and usefulness of the Magisterium's teaching and its central importance for those who are learning theology prevails. St. Thomas is given pride of place in many of the philosophy and theology courses, though at the same time the best of contemporary sources is also in evidence.
The Ethics and Moral Theology courses are noteworthy for their depth, scope and inclusion of magisterial teaching…Undoubtedly one of the strengths of the “Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology” is the ability it fosters in its students to dialogue, on the intellectual level, with contemporary society. The students seem to know the issues involved in the contemporary crisis of subjectivism and moral relativism, and are adequately trained to provide a response based on reason and affirming the existence of moral and philosophical truth.
Monday, September 1, 2008
New GTU Lounge!
The lounge has a tiny entertainment center where you can listen to the radio or play CDs.
The lounge also has wireless. To access the wireless network you will need to use your account (if you don’t know what this is, ask Angela Becker at Reception). Once done, “find” the GTU wireless network (called “GTU”) and click on it to connect. Once connected, open your browser… it will immediately launch a page to allow you to set up a “GTU wireless network account” (different from setting up the email account). With that account set up, you can, then, sign into the network.
Lounge Rules:
The GTU would love student feedback about the space. Until they are able to get that, there are a few things they would like you to know:
- We plan to keep the front door to the lounge unlocked. Because the space is not monitored, I think we will start “closing” the door, simply to discourage traffic not intended for this space. If we do, make sure you try the door and don’t assume a closed door is a locked door.
- You are welcome to bring food and drink in, but we currently do not provide food or drink. Feel free to use the refrigerator and microwave in the lounge in the basement, and you are welcome to coffee on the second floor. We have plenty of supplies and if you need something that has run out, let Fredonia Thompson, Student Affairs Office Manager and Receptionist, know (on the 3rd floor).
- Please tidy up after yourself. If you spill or otherwise make a little mess, obviously clean it up if you can. If you can’t, Fredonia can help you locate cleaning materials and supplies;
I plan to order a couple of newspaper subscriptions for the lounge. Same concept, help keep them tidy and inviting for your colleagues to read. - The lounge is BOTH for conversation and study. We ask that you simply be mindful of the people around you. If folks are reading or otherwise obviously working, use your “library voice” when you chat. If, however, folks are not working, your “gym voice” or a hearty laugh is OK!
- Remember, we welcome students from all over the consortium, so feel free to meet with an MDiv colleague or a friend in a DMin program in the lounge. Even an occasional faculty member or staffer is OK, right? Ha!
- Obviously in light of California law, this is a “no smoking” area.
- We also ask that you not bring non-human animals into the lounge, e.g. pets of all kinds, unless the animal assists you to manage a disability. In those cases, students should follow the GTU differently-abled policies and protocols to be on record with the GTU Dean of Students office (see the GTU website for the link to this information).
Friday, August 1, 2008
GTU Course Books at Cal Bookstore
The UC Berkeley bookstore is owned by the Student Union and operated by the Follett Higher Education Group, the nation’s largest operator of college bookstores. Follett operates more than 760 college stores nationwide, including the stores at UC Berkeley and Stanford. The GTU is pleased to partner with UC Berkeley and Follett to serve our students’ educational needs.
The UC bookstore will provide textbooks and readers for all GTU courses.
For Students
Textbooks and readers will be available for purchase at the UC Berkeley store, located in the Student Union building. Textbooks are currently located in the lower level of the store. Books of general theological interest are available on the main level of the bookstore. Students may also purchase texts online and either have them shipped to their homes or pick them up at the store.
108 Martin Luther King Jr.
Student Union, #4504
Corner of Bancroft Way at Telegraph Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94720-4504
Phone: (510)642-9000 Fax: (510)643-7836
For Faculty
If you submitted your textbook order to the GTU bookstore, it has already been forwarded to the new store. The new store will also create readers for you. If you wish to contact the store you may email the textbook department at or contact them by phone at 510-642-9000 ext. 683.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
DSPT Annual Golf Tournament
Please join us in this fun event. Your participation will help us to raise the funds needed to continue DSPT’s vital mission of educating and preparing its religious and lay students to become future leaders of the Church. For more information, please e-mail or call (510) 883-2085.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Lam Khong to Exhibit Art Work in Boston

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Week of May 27, 2008
Musician - St. Philip Neri Church, Alameda
A musician (piano, organ or guitar) is needed for the 5:00 pm Saturday liturgy. Candidate should have good knowledge of Catholic liturgy and have accompanying experience. Candidate may work with parish music director in selection of music.
Salary Information: M-1, exempt
Position Begins: August 1, 2008
Please email resume to parish office at
or mail to:
3108 Van Buren St.
Alameda, CA 94501
Administrative Assistant - Department for Evangelization and Catechesis
The administrative assistant provides administrative and clerical support services to department staff and programs, handling details of a confidential nature and operating with great latitude for independent judgment and initiative. This position provides administrative support to all facets of the School for Pastoral Ministry including application processing, correspondence, database and records maintenance, space needs, hospitality, and on-site assistance during class time. The administrative assistant uses PC equipment in performing assigned tasks and often serves as first-line of contact for the School for Pastoral Ministry, la Escuela de Ministerios Pastorales, and on-going formation for lay ecclesial ministers. Fluency in written and spoken Spanish and some availability to work evenings and weekends is required. View a complete position description and list of candidate requirements and preferences at
Salary information: Non-exempt (N-7), Full Time
Applications will be taken until position is filled.
Send resume and letter of interest to:
Keith Borchers
Director, Department for Evangelization and Catechesis
Diocese of Oakland
2900 Lakeshore Ave.
Oakland, CA 94610
510-893-4711 Fax: 510-272-0738
Cantor - Church of the Assumption, San Leandro
A cantor is needed for the 5:00 pm Saturday liturgy and/or the 12:00 noon Sunday liturgy. The position is available immediately. We are a warm, supportive parish with a developing liturgical music program under new leadership. Those who apply should have strong vocal and visual presence before the assembly. Regular Sunday liturgies are $75.00 per service. Weddings and funerals are $150.00. Please contact Mr. Stacy Piontek, Director of Music, at the Assumption Parish Office, 510-352-1537.
Part Time Food Service Worker - San Damiano Retreat Center, Danville
San Damiano is a Franciscan retreat and conference center located on 50 wooded acres in Danville that serves 3 hot buffet meals daily for up to 160 guests and staff. Food Service Workers oversee the food preparation and service, as well as cleanup and maintenance of health and safety standards. We are looking for someone who is available to work both day and/or evening shifts, from 7 am - 2 pm, or 4:30-8:30 pm - especially on the weekends when we are busiest. As no buses run near San Damiano, you must have your own transportation. Please call or send resume to the contact listed below.
Salary Range: Start at $10/hr
Start Date: ASAP! Until filled
Contact: Email or fax cover letter and resume to Laurie Landis,, 925-837-9141 ext 308
Part Time Front Desk Coordinator - San Damiano Retreat Center, Danville
San Damiano is looking for a very special person to fill this important position. We are a Franciscan Retreat Center, and our goal is to provide warm and welcoming hospitality to all those who visit or stay with us. We are located on 50 wooded acres in Danville, dotted with deer, turkey, beautiful gardens and walking trails. The Front Desk Coordinator is a key position, with responsibility for answering phones, greeting guests, assisting in our Gift Shop, and coordinating volunteer projects. The work days are Monday-Thursday, 8:30 am -4:30 pm. Please send cover letter and resume to the contact listed below. We would like to fill the position as soon as possible.
Salary Range: $10-$12/hr DOE
Start Date: ASAP, until filled
Contact: Email or fax cover letter and resume to Laurie Landis,, 925-837-0522
Monday, May 19, 2008
Job: St. Martin de Porres Middle School
The St. Martin de Porres Middle School (in Oakland, CA) has an emergency need for a religion teacher for the last two and half weeks of school, starting next week. This is due to a family emergency for one of the teachers. Sr. Barbara Dawson, the principal, is looking for someone to teach the Middle School Religion for about 10 days. She will pay the person $100 a day if they will be here all day (8am-3pm and $75 if they work from 8-Noon.
This is an urgent need!!!! Please call her at 510-832-1757, or email her at
Jill Marshall
Dean of Students
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Week of May 13, 2008
Office Manager - St. Perpetua Parish, Lafayette
Responsibilities include: office related services for parish and staff; greet and assist visitors; maintain office record-keeping systems; prepare weekly bulletin; schedule parish facilities use and liturgical ministers; maintain parish census files, offering envelope system and sacramental record-keeping system. The applicant should be proficient in Microsoft Office Programs. Familiarity with PDS Church Office Management and Facility Scheduler is a plus. The applicant should have a pleasant personality and the ability to work well with others, problem solve, and maintain confidentially. This is 40 hrs/week, Monday-Friday, non-exempt.
Salary Information: S-5, non-exempt
Position Begins: June 1, 2008
For details and further information please contact Kathy Geddes at St. Perpetua Church, 3454 Hamlin Road, Lafayette, CA 94549, 925-283-0272, ext. 207,, or go to our web site at and click on jobs.
Bookkeeper - St. Felicitas Parish, San Leandro
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Week of May 6, 2008
Bookkeeper - St. Felicitas Parish, San Leandro
St. Felicitas Parish is seeking a bookkeeper who will be responsible for providing bookkeeping service to the parish. The bookkeeper is responsible to maintain the financial bookkeeping system and payroll (PDS), including accounts payable, receivable and cash receipts; balance accounts, ledgers and reconcile bank statements; and prepare financial reports. Salary is based on diocesan guidelines and commensurate with qualifications and experience. If you are interested please send your resume to: Sr. Dominic Marie Bonnici, OP, St. Felicitas Parish, 1662 Manor Blvd., San Leandro, CA 94579
Principal, St. Bernard School, Oakland
St. Bernard Parish Catholic School is a K through 8th grade school located in the city of Oakland in Alameda County serving the city of Oakland. St. Bernard School enrolls 140 students with a professional staff of 9 and a support staff of 2, and is fully accredited by WCEA/WASC with before and after school Extended Care.
Candidates for principal must be active practicing Catholics, possess a California Teaching Credential and a California Administrative Credential or be enrolled in an Administrative Credential Program as well as have at least five years in Catholic educational teaching or administration. The candidate must be able to provide spiritual, administrative and educational leadership for the school as well as be able to assume responsibility for the day-to-day administration. Candidates are expected to take an active role as a member of the parish staff and work collaboratively with the Pastor and pastoral staff. Excellent communication skills and enthusiasm for developing and maintaining a school with a strong Catholic identity and academic program are a must.
Salary is based upon the Diocesan Scale and depends on qualifications and experience. Benefits include: Health, Dental and Vision Insurance, Long and Short Term Disability Insurance, Life Insurance and Retirement.
Please send Letter of Intent and Request for Application to:
Penny Pendola, Ed.D.
Director of Human Resources
Diocese of Oakland
2900 Lakeshore Avenue
Oakland, CA 94610
Fax 510-763-8055
Applications should be completed by May 15, 2008.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Week of April 29, 2008
Principal, St. Bernard School, Oakland
St. Bernard Parish Catholic School is a K through 8th grade school located in the city of Oakland in Alameda County serving the city of Oakland. St. Bernard School enrolls 140 students with a professional staff of 9 and a support staff of 2, and is fully accredited by WCEA/WASC with before and after school Extended Care.
Candidates for principal must be active practicing Catholics, possess a California Teaching Credential and a California Administrative Credential or be enrolled in an Administrative Credential Program as well as have at least five years in Catholic educational teaching or administration. The candidate must be able to provide spiritual, administrative and educational leadership for the school as well as be able to assume responsibility for the day-to-day administration. Candidates are expected to take an active role as a member of the parish staff and work collaboratively with the Pastor and pastoral staff. Excellent communication skills and enthusiasm for developing and maintaining a school with a strong Catholic identity and academic program are a must.
Salary is based upon the Diocesan Scale and depends on qualifications and experience. Benefits include: Health, Dental and Vision Insurance, Long and Short Term Disability Insurance, Life Insurance and Retirement.
Please send Letter of Intent and Request for Application to:
Penny Pendola, Ed.D.
Director of Human Resources
Diocese of Oakland
2900 Lakeshore Avenue
Oakland, CA 94610
Fax 510-763-8055
Applications should be completed by May 15, 2008.
Friday, April 25, 2008
National DO NOT CALL List
REMEMBER: Cell Phone Numbers Go Public today!
All cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing companies tomorrow and you will start to receive sale calls. YOU WILL BE CHARGED FOR THESE CALLS!
To prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone: 888-382-1222.
It is the National DO NOT CALL list. It will only take a minute of your time. It blocks your number for five (5) years. You must call from the cell phone number you want to have blocked. You cannot call from a different phone number.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Week of April 22, 2008
Receptionist – Chancery Office at the Cathedral of Christ the Light
Hours: Monday - Friday
37.5 hours/week
Supervisor: Gloria Espinoza
Summary: To provide reception services and assistance as requested and approved by supervisor.
- Answer all in-coming phone calls in a professional manner. Transfer as appropriate. Provide callers with information and refer calls to other sites as appropriate.
- Provide administrative support including word processing and data entry as directed by supervisor.
- Provide support in sorting all incoming US mail.
- Provide hospitality to visitors (ie: coffee). Notify departments of visitors waiting in lobby for appointments. Direct repair and service people appropriately. Interact with public and staff professionally and in a hospitable manner.
- Maintain conference room logs.
- Maintain accurate and up-to-date personnel log including information such as when staff are on vacation, out of the building, in copy room, etc.
- Prepare and deliver electronic e-mail messages when necessary and directed by supervisor.
- Accept and monitor federal express and miscellaneous pick-ups at the front desk.
- Maintain reception area (desk, lobby etc.) in a professional manner.
- Other duties as assigned by supervisor.
- an AA Degree;
- bilingual/bi-literate (Spanish/English) ability to clearly communicate in both languages;
- the ability to handle multiple phone lines and stressful encounters;
- a professional and confidential manner;
- computer skills in Microsoft Word, Outlook, FileMaker Pro;
- a pleasant, hospitable personality;
- understanding and respect for Catholic values;
- professional attire appropriate for work environment at the Cathedral of Christ the Light .
Reception experience is preferred.
Classification: N-4 ($13.56 - $14.76)
Position is full-time with full Diocesan Benefits.
Applications due: May 1, 2008
Please send letter of interest and resume to:
Penny Pendola, Ed.D
Director of Human Resources
Diocese of Oakland
2900 Lakeshore Avenue
Oakland, CA 94610
Catholic Community of Pleasanton - Intergenerational Ministries Coordinator
This new position reports to the Director of Faith Formation and is responsible for the planning and implementation of our three intergenerational catechetical programs: Family Program, Christian Initiation of Children, and Intergenerational Faith Communities.
The candidate must be an active, practicing Catholic, possess a BA in Theology, Pastoral Ministry, or related field (Master’s preferred), have 3-5 years pastoral experience with families in a leadership role, and familiarity with small group dynamics. Knowledge of the RCIA process is desirable.
Salary information: M-3 scale, commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Position begins: August 1, 2008
Contact: Anna Horen, Director of Faith Formation,, 925-846-3531.
Franciscan School of Theology, Berkeley, Full-Time Assistant in the Development Office
Responsibilities include database management including but not limited to data entry and management of donations, preparation of gift reports to President and Board, coordination of direct mail appeals, production of newsletters and brochures, and other duties as may be required. Applicant must have working, extensive knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, and Access. Applicant should also have some knowledge of Microsoft Publisher, Adobe Creative Suite, and excellent English communication skills. Some experience working in a not-for-profit organization is preferred. Job description is available upon request.
Salary information: Scale with benefits
Position begins: Immediately
Contact: Please send resume to Fr. Mario DiCicco, OFM, 1712 Euclid Ave., Berkeley, CA 94709
Oakland Cathedral Video
Dear Friends,
A group of CAL/Berkeley students have put together a “YOU TUBE” on the Oakland Cathedral. The link below will get you to it.
I hope you find it interesting.
(Bp.) Allen Vigneron
Friday, April 18, 2008
Lecture: Contribution of Interfaith Dialogue to Peace Building
Location: Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology, Classroom 1
2301 Vine Street (at Arch), Berkeley
You are cordially invited to a talk on:
Contribution of Interfaith Dialogue to Peace Building
Featuring: Fr. Thomas Michel, S.J.
- Woodstock International Fellow at Georgetown University, Washington, DC.
- Former Head of the Office for Islam Vatican Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue (1988-1994)
- Executive Secretary of the Office for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs of the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences(FABC-OEIA), in Bangkok, Thailand (1994-1998)
- Secretary of the Jesuit Secretariat for Interreligious Dialogue in Rome, Italy
- Ecumenical Secretary for the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences
- Professor of Philosophy and Theology at Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology
Pacifica Institute
Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology
Center for Islamic Studies at the Graduate Theological Union
Free & open to public
(Refreshments served 6.30-7.00 PM)
The Changing Face of Lay Ecclesial Ministry in the United States
A presentation on the evolving role of the professional lay ecclesial minister in the United States.
This presentation will explore the following:
- Changing identity of the lay ecclesial minister
- Changing expectations of the lay ecclesial minister in response to emerging developments in parish life.
- Changing definitions of lay ecclesial ministry: professionalization; certification, authorization, and commissioning.
Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley
De-Constructing Islamophobia
De-Constructing Islamophobia
Immigration, Globalization and Constructing the Other
Sponsored by the Center for Race and Gender, University of California, Berkeley
Co-sponsored by the Center for Islamic Studies, Graduate Theological Union
April 25-26
Lipman Room, Barrows Hall, UC Berkeley
Munir Jiwa, Director of the Center for Islamic Studies, will serve as a panelist.
Free and open to the public.
Click here for more information including a conference schedule.
In today’s world, Islam and Muslims are the feared “other” and the responses to the perceived threat they pose is already connected to every local, regional and global process. The “othering of Islam and Muslims” is already well underway with devastating consequences in Muslim communities, where virtual states of siege have set in, and in societies at large, where civil rights and protections have been severely curtailed in the name of “security.”
The conference seeks to provide an open scholarly exchange, exploring new approaches to the study of the current period, de-constructing the organizing processes that gave birth to Islamophobia, and studying its interconnectedness to existing and historical otherness in the areas of race, gender and “post-colonial” studies. The conference will explore and pose a number of questions that can be the springboard for further collaborative and multidisciplinary approaches to de-constructing Islamophobia.
* * * * * *
Founded by ecumenical pioneers in 1962, the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California is the largest partnership of seminaries and graduate schools in the U.S. An ecumenical and interreligious crossroads, we educate students for teaching, research, ministry, and service. Dedicated to building bridges among Christian denominations and other faith traditions, the GTU is the place where religion meets the world.
Job: Pastoral Associate
St. Pius Parish is rebuilding its parish pastoral team and is looking for two dynamic ministers, one full time and one part time to support the parish in the areas of music, liturgy, youth ministry, and/or life-long faith formation. Help us refocus our catechetical and liturgical efforts to truly meet the needs of our parish community. Join a team committed to collaboration and mutual support. Ideal candidate is an experienced pastoral minister who values a collaborative team approach. Come journey with us at St. Pius Parish! Email resumes and cover letter to, fax to Barbara Drake at 650 369-3641, or mail to Barbara Drake, St. Pius Church, 1100 Woodside Road, Redwood City, CA 94061. Salary based on experience.
Roundtable on Race
We hope you will join with colleagues and peers from across the GTU to discuss, as Senator Obama has suggested, the topic of race. A facilitator will guide our discussion on this Pennsylvania primary day and a television will be present to show early returns. Hope to see you there.
Roundtable on Race
April 22, 2008 (Tuesday)
12:15-2 pm, Badè Museum at Pacific School of Religion
Obama's speech and the response by race activist Tim Wise will be the topic of this discussion facilitated by Donnel Miller-Mutia. Event conveners encourage attendees to read the documents beforehand. Participants may bring lunch; drinks and dessert will be provided.
Job Opening: Theology Teacher
Servite High School in Anaheim, CA is anticipating an opening in our Theology Department. Servite is an all-boys college preparatory school under the care of the Servants of Mary. Our department is seeking a highly qualified applicant for a position in Christian Scriptures & Church History. The opening is for instruction of sophomore honor students.
The ideal applicant will possess at minimum a BA in Theology, a willingness to work collaboratively, interest in serious academic Theological instruction for secondary students. We support Campus Ministry but we are an academic department.
We are hoping that you or your faculty might be able to identify a qualified applicant in your graduating class. If this is possible, please refer the applicant to our website so that they may learn more about our community. They should also contact me directly at .
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Job Opening: Writing Tutor
Youth Festival Writing Tutor, Multicultural Institute, Berkeley, CA. See www.mionline for more details or contact Director Lisa Hlass at 510-848-4075, x13, or
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Week of April 15, 2008
Executive Director, Catholic Schools Consortium, Diocese of Oakland
The Executive Director of the Catholic Schools Consortium reports to the Superintendent of Schools of the Diocese of Oakland, administers the Consortium Board, manages the Consortium professional staff, interfaces with pastors and principals of the Consortium member schools, and publically represents the Catholic Schools Consortium.
The Executive Director is responsible for facilitating the operations, finances, academic programs, marketing and development of Consortium and its member schools.
Functions of the Executive Director include, but are not limited to:
- directing and controlling the operations of the Consortium departments, i.e. Academics, Development and Finance;
- in conjunction with pastors, selecting and evaluating principals of Consortium schools, providing leadership and supervision to those principals, and motivating principals and school faculty toward mastery of instructional goals and student outcomes;
- fostering Catholic identity and Catholic culture in Consortium schools by providing spiritual and liturgical leadership;
- working with Consortium principals in developing and implementing effective operational plans, standardizing policies and procedures, formalizing assessment criteria, and assisting in the recruitment and hiring of school professional staff;
- assessing Consortium schools facilities, instituting needed capital improvements, and maximizing facility safety and security;
- consolidating suppliers and service contracts to achieve efficiencies and economies of scale in Consortium schools.
- working with the Department of Catholic Schools and Diocesan staffs and outside agencies and organizations to whose expertise can be a benefit to the operation and objectives of the Urban Consortium;
- representing the Consortium to the community at large;
- reporting on a timely basis to the Superintendent of Catholic Schools, the Consortium Board, pastors, principals and other constituents’ matters of relevance, interest or action as it relates to major functions, i.e. Academics, Development, and Finance.
- is a Catholic who supports, lives, and communicates the teachings of the Catholic Church;
- possesses an advanced degree in the field of management, education, finance, development or related fields;
- is a demonstrated self-starter and capable of managing multiple programs and details;
- has five years of successful leadership experience in Catholic schools and/or in Diocesan Central Office Administration, or related position;
- Excellent writing, editing and verbal skills and the ability to make effective presentations.
EEOC Classification: Professional/Exempt (E-8) with full Diocesan Benefits
Receptionist – Chancery Office at the Cathedral of Christ the Light
Hours: Monday - Friday
37.5 hours/week
Supervisor: Gloria Espinoza
Summary: To provide reception services and assistance as requested and approved by supervisor.
- Answer all in-coming phone calls in a professional manner. Transfer as appropriate. Provide callers with information and refer calls to other sites as appropriate.
- Provide administrative support including word processing and data entry as directed by supervisor.
- Provide support in sorting all incoming US mail.
- Provide hospitality to visitors (ie: coffee). Notify departments of visitors waiting in lobby for appointments. Direct repair and service people appropriately. Interact with public and staff professionally and in a hospitable manner.
- Maintain conference room logs.
- Maintain accurate and up-to-date personnel log including information such as when staff are on vacation, out of the building, in copy room, etc.
- Prepare and deliver electronic e-mail messages when necessary and directed by supervisor.
- Accept and monitor federal express and miscellaneous pick-ups at the front desk.
- Maintain reception area (desk, lobby etc.) in a professional manner.
- Other duties as assigned by supervisor.
- an AA Degree;
- bilingual/bi-literate (Spanish/English) ability to clearly communicate in both languages;
- the ability to handle multiple phone lines and stressful encounters;
- a professional and confidential manner;
- computer skills in Microsoft Word, Outlook, FileMaker Pro;
- a pleasant, hospitable personality;
- understanding and respect for Catholic values;
- professional attire appropriate for work environment at the Cathedral of Christ the Light .
Reception experience is preferred.
Classification: N-4 ($13.56 - $14.76)
Position is full-time with full Diocesan Benefits.
Applications due: May 1, 2008
Please send letter of interest and resume to:
Penny Pendola, Ed.D
Director of Human Resources
Diocese of Oakland
2900 Lakeshore Avenue
Oakland, CA 94610
Catholic Community of Pleasanton - Intergenerational Ministries Coordinator
This new position reports to the Director of Faith Formation and is responsible for the planning and implementation of our three intergenerational catechetical programs: Family Program, Christian Initiation of Children, and Intergenerational Faith Communities.
The candidate must be an active, practicing Catholic, possess a BA in Theology, Pastoral Ministry, or related field (Master’s preferred), have 3-5 years pastoral experience with families in a leadership role, and familiarity with small group dynamics. Knowledge of the RCIA process is desirable.
Salary information: M-3 scale, commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Position begins: August 1, 2008
Contact: Anna Horen, Director of Faith Formation,, 925-846-3531.
Catholic Funeral, Cremation, and Cemetery Services
Catholic Funeral, Cremation, and Cemetery Services is seeking an organized and professional individual to fill a family service position. Work involves outreach to the parishes and meeting with families at the Holy Angels locations on an individual basis. The Family Service Training Program will prepare the candidate to serve families in a cemetery or funeral position which is best suited for their talents. The work schedule includes alternate weekends. Customer service work background with strong ministry interest is important. Fluency in a second language is also very beneficial. We offer extensive on job training, competitive salary, and comprehensive company benefits. Candidates who feel they are qualified and would like to be considered should send a resume to Ann Marie Baatz, Catholic Funeral and Cemetery Services, P.O. Box 488, 1965 Reliez Valley Road, Lafayette, CA 94549 or fax to 925-946-1449.
Franciscan School of Theology, Berkeley, Full-Time Assistant in the Development Office
Responsibilities include database management including but not limited to data entry and management of donations, preparation of gift reports to President and Board, coordination of direct mail appeals, production of newsletters and brochures, and other duties as may be required. Applicant must have working, extensive knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, and Access. Applicant should also have some knowledge of Microsoft Publisher, Adobe Creative Suite, and excellent English communication skills. Some experience working in a not-for-profit organization is preferred. Job description is available upon request.
Salary information: Scale with benefits
Position begins: Immediately
Contact: Please send resume to Fr. Mario DiCicco, OFM, 1712 Euclid Ave., Berkeley, CA 94709
Administrative Weekly: Job Opportunity
April 15, 2008
Teacher Job Fair (Grades Pre-k thru 12)
Please join us on Saturday, April 26, 2008, from 9 am -12:00 pm at St. Joseph Notre Dame High School Gym, 1011 Chestnut Street, Alameda. For questions please contact Diocese of Oakland Department of Human Resources, 2900 Lakeshore Avenue, Oakland, CA 94610, 510-267-8381, fax, 510-272-0725.
Friday, April 11, 2008
GTU President James A. Donahue addresses visit of Pope Benedict XVI to America
On Monday, April 14, 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time, Donahue will talk with Michael Dresser on the Michael Dresser Show, "Home of Thought Provoking Talk Radio."
For information about the show and to locate local affiliate stations, visit
The topic is Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to America and what he will see when he gets here.
KRON 4 has been broadcasting from San Francisco since 1949, serving over 2 million TV homes in 11 Bay Area counties.
The Michael Dresser Show is a thought-provoking talk show attracting people from around the world who want to discover the message underneath the story.
The Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California, is the largest and most diverse partnership of seminaries and graduate schools in the United States, pursuing interreligious collaboration in teaching, research, ministry, and service.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Workshop: Scholarship Resources for Graduate Students
A Scholarship Resources for Graduate Students Workshop will be offered on
Wednesday, April 23 3:30-4:30 pm
and repeated on
Thursday, April 24, 5:30-6:30 pm
in the Teaching Lab at the Flora Lamson Hewlet Library. This workshop is designed to introduce students to key scholarship databases, application strategies, organizational tactics, and research and fellowship resources to fund an assortment of academic needs. To sign up for this workshop please call 510–649-2489 or email
A recently initiated service through the GTU Financial Aid Office is personal assistance with scholarship and grant information tailored to your area of study. Please contact Rebecca Davis, Scholarship Research Assistant, for an appointment.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Week of April 8, 2008
Catholic Funeral, Cremation, and Cemetery Services
Catholic Funeral, Cremation, and Cemetery Services is seeking an organized and professional individual to fill a family service position. Work involves outreach to the parishes and meeting with families at the Holy Angels locations on an individual basis. The Family Service Training Program will prepare the candidate to serve families in a cemetery or funeral position which is best suited for their talents. The work schedule includes alternate weekends. Customer service work background with strong ministry interest is important. Fluency in a second language is also very beneficial. We offer extensive on job training, competitive salary, and comprehensive company benefits. Candidates who feel they are qualified and would like to be considered should send a resume to Ann Marie Baatz, Catholic Funeral and Cemetery Services, P.O. Box 488, 1965 Reliez Valley Road, Lafayette, CA 94549 or fax to 925-946-1449.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
St. Bede School, Hayward - Principal
St. Bede Catholic School is a K through 8th grade school located in the city of Hayward, in Alameda County, serving the city of Hayward. St. Bede School is fully accredited by WCEA/WASC with before and after school Extended Care. Candidates for principal must be active practicing Catholics, possess a California Teaching Credential, and a California Administrative Credential or be enrolled in an Administrative Credential Program as well as have at least five years in Catholic educational teaching or administration. The candidate must be able to provide spiritual, administrative and educational leadership for the school as well as be able to assume responsibility for the day-to-day administration. The successful candidate is expected to be an active member of the parish staff. Excellent communication skills and enthusiasm for developing and maintaining a school with a strong Catholic identity, and academic program are a must. St. Bede School has supportive pastor, faculty and staff, school board, parent group and parents.
Salary is based on the Diocesan scale and depends on qualifications and experience. Benefits include health, dental, and vision insurance, long and short term disability insurance, and retirement.
Please send letter of intent and request for an application to:
Penny Pendola, Ed.D.
Director of Human Resources
Diocese of Oakland
2900 Lakeshore Avenue
Oakland, CA 94610
Fax 510-272-0725
Applications should be completed by April 15, 2008.
San Damiano Retreat Center, Danville – Part-Time Maintenance Worker
Tired of toll bridges, traffic, and grumpy people? San Damiano is a peaceful and hospitable retreat center located on 50 wooded acres in Danville. We would welcome someone whose main motivators in life do not include money and power. We offer a fair wage, wonderful folks to work with, and facilities and grounds that anyone would be proud of. This position is ideal for a semi-retiree who wants to “give something back.” We are looking for a well-rounded, handy-person with 3 year’s experience in maintenance or operations to work 25-30 hours per week. Working knowledge of plumbing, electrical, carpentry, prep/painting, and general maintenance is a must. Must also possess a clean DMV record, be insurable and flexible with strong prioritization and interpersonal skills.
Salary Range: $13-$15 DOE
Start Date: April 1, 2008 or until filled
Contact: Email or fax resume to Laurie Landis,, 925-837-0522
Saint Joseph Notre Dame High School, Alameda – Dean of Students
The Dean of Students establishes an atmosphere of orderly behavior within the school that is conducive to learning. The Dean is responsible for the day to day monitoring and enforcement of school rules and regulations, the safety and security of the school campus, and assists teachers in the administration and enforcement of school rules both in and out of the classroom. The Dean is appointed by the Principal. The Dean coordinates all phases of policy implementation related to student discipline and decorum as well as campus safety and security.
Salary information: Administrative salary scale
Position begins: July 1, 2008
Simon Chiu
1011 Chestnut St
Alameda, CA 94501
510.523.1526 (W)
Catholic Charities of the East Bay, Oakland - Director of Development and Public Affairs
This is a senior staff leadership position with primary responsibility for managing activities related to the planning, evaluation, and execution of all fundraising and public affairs activities. The Director of Development and Public Affairs works closely with other administrative and program staff to develop resources and promote and market the agency’s services; manages two full time and two part time staff; is responsible for raising $3 million annually through the established annual appeal, grants and funding, special events, planned giving, major donor development; and supports the development and implementation of an endowment campaign. Details are at under Job Opportunities.
Salary range: see
Position begins: April 1, 2008 or until filled
Contact: Please send cover letter and resume to or CCEB, 433 Jefferson Street, Oakland, 94607.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Saint Joseph Notre Dame High School, Alameda – Dean of Students
The Dean of Students establishes an atmosphere of orderly behavior within the school that is conducive to learning. The Dean is responsible for the day to day monitoring and enforcement of school rules and regulations, the safety and security of the school campus, and assists teachers in the administration and enforcement of school rules both in and out of the classroom. The Dean is appointed by the Principal. The Dean coordinates all phases of policy implementation related to student discipline and decorum as well as campus safety and security.
Salary information: Administrative salary scale
Position begins: July 1, 2008
Simon Chiu
1011 Chestnut St
Alameda, CA 94501
510.523.1526 (W)
Catholic Charities of the East Bay, Oakland - Director of Development and Public Affairs
This is a senior staff leadership position with primary responsibility for managing activities related to the planning, evaluation, and execution of all fundraising and public affairs activities. The Director of Development and Public Affairs works closely with other administrative and program staff to develop resources and promote and market the agency’s services; manages two full time and two part time staff; is responsible for raising $3 million annually through the established annual appeal, grants and funding, special events, planned giving, major donor development; and supports the development and implementation of an endowment campaign. Details are at under Job Opportunities.
Salary range: see
Position begins: April 1, 2008 or until filled
Contact: Please send cover letter and resume to or CCEB, 433 Jefferson Street, Oakland, 94607.
Family Aid for Catholic Education (FACE) – Executive Director
About FACE:
Founded in 1978, FACE (Family Aid for Catholic Education) is the leading provider of tuition assistance for low-income children attending Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Oakland.
Reporting to the Director of Development, Diocese of Oakland, and a volunteer on the Board of Directors, the Executive Director of FACE is responsible for the overall management and direction of the FACE program, including implementation of the fund raising plan, stewardship of major benefactors, supervision of employees, coordination with the Board and volunteers, and coordination with the Department of Catholic Schools.
The successful candidate will possess:
- Bachelor’s degree, Masters degree preferred;
- familiarity and appreciation of Catholic education;
- concern for the poor and disadvantaged;
- excellent communications skills;
- management and supervisory background;
- fundamental financial acumen;
- professional and/or extensive volunteer fund raising experience; and
-an ability to work cooperatively with other Diocesan programs and departments.
For a job application and complete job description, contact
For more information, please visit the FACE website at
Salary: $78,509 - $88,322 E-8 Classification Benefits according to diocesan guidelines. Apply by March 31.
St. Clement School, Hayward - Principal
St. Clement Catholic School is a K through 8th grade school located in the city of Hayward next to Moreau Catholic High School, in Alameda County serving the city of Hayward. St. Clement School enrolls 270 students with a maximum capacity of 290 students, with a professional staff of 35 and is fully accredited by WCEA/WASC with before and after school Extended Care. Candidates for principal must be active practicing Catholics, possess a California Teaching Credential and a California Administrative Credential or be enrolled in an Administrative Credential Program as well as have at least five years in Catholic educational teaching or administration. The candidate must be able to provide spiritual, administrative, and educational leadership for the school as well as be able to assume responsibility for the day-to-day administration. The successful candidate is expected to be an active member of the parish staff. Excellent communication skills and enthusiasm for developing and maintaining a school with a strong Catholic identity and academic program are a must. St. Clement School has a supportive pastor, faculty and staff, school board, parent group and parents.
Salary is based on the Diocesan Scale and depends on qualifications and experience. Benefits include health, dental and vision insurance, long and short term disability insurance, and retirement.
Please send letter of intent and request for application to:
Penny Pendola, Ed.D.
Director of Human Resources
Diocese of Oakland
2900 Lakeshore Avenue
Oakland, CA 94610
Fax: 510-272-0725
Applications should be completed by April 1, 2008.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Holy Week 2008 schedule at St. Albert's in Oakland
Thurs., Fri., Sat. Tenebrae-7:30 AM
Holy Thursday Mass-7:30 PM
Good Friday Services- 7:30 PM
Holy Saturday: Vespers-5:30 PM; Mass--9:00 PM (Reception following in refectory)
Easter Sunday--Lauds-8:45 AM; Mass-9:30 AM; Vespers-5:00 PM; Compline-9:00 PM.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Philosophy Movie Night: The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
Topic: Justice
Saturday March 26 at 6 pm
Dominican School Galleria - 2301 Vine Street, Berkeley CA 94708
Cool Liberty Valance song on YouTube
Week of March 11, 2008
Family Aid for Catholic Education (FACE) – Executive Director
About FACE:
Founded in 1978, FACE (Family Aid for Catholic Education) is the leading provider of tuition assistance for low-income children attending Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Oakland.
Reporting to the Director of Development, Diocese of Oakland, and a volunteer on the Board of Directors, the Executive Director of FACE is responsible for the overall management and direction of the FACE program, including implementation of the fund raising plan, stewardship of major benefactors, supervision of employees, coordination with the Board and volunteers, and coordination with the Department of Catholic Schools.
The successful candidate will possess:
- Bachelor’s degree, Masters degree preferred;
- familiarity and appreciation of Catholic education;
- concern for the poor and disadvantaged;
- excellent communications skills;
- management and supervisory background;
- fundamental financial acumen;
- professional and/or extensive volunteer fund raising experience; and
-an ability to work cooperatively with other Diocesan programs and departments.
For a job application and complete job description, contact
For more information, please visit the FACE website at
Salary and benefits are competitive. Apply by March 31.
St. Clement School,
St. Clement Catholic School is a K through 8th grade school located in the city of
Salary is based on the Diocesan Scale and depends on qualifications and experience. Benefits include health, dental and vision insurance, long and short term disability insurance, and retirement.
Please send letter of intent and request for application to:
Director of Human Resources
Diocese of
Fax: 510-272-0725
Applications should be completed by April 1, 2008.
Catholic Funeral, Cremation, and Cemetery Services – Family Service Counselor
Catholic Funeral, Cremation, and Cemetery Services is seeking an organized and professional individual to fill a Family Service Counselor position. Work involves doing outreach presentations at parishes and meeting with families at the cemeteries on an individual basis. The work schedule includes alternate weekends. Some sales background with strong ministry interest is important. Fluency in a second language is also very beneficial. We offer competitive salary, incentive, and comprehensive company benefits. Candidates who feel they are qualified and would like to be considered should send a resume to
The Youth Retreat Center Manager is responsible for the administration and management of the