Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Bread for the World


I wanted to let you know about a free training opportunity for an ethnically diverse, young adult from Bread for the World, the wonderful worldwide hunger fighting (through legislative advocacy) agency (www.bread.org). If your engagement with the world in your training and future work might include hunger relief, you would do well to check this out.

It is an all-expenses paid training for hunger justice leaders in DC this June, for people aged 18-35, June 14-17, 2008. There is more information and an application process online at the following link: http://www.bread.org/get-involved/hunger-justice-leaders-training/.

An important consideration is that this training would reflect the breadth and diversity of our Creator. Bread for the World seeks women and men applicants of diverse backgrounds, economics, geography, and especially race and ethnicity.

If this is of interest to any of you, please feel free to contact me or my friend David (David Gist, California Regional Organizer, Bread for the World - breadca@bread.org)


Pastor Greg Schaefer

ELCM @ Stanford / University Church
